Norwegian procurement portal provider launches alternative website

mytenders norge to offer familiar functions to buyers and suppliers

Millstream, the electronic tendering specialist which has run Norway’s national procurement database since 2005 and saved the Norwegian public purse millions of pounds, has launched myTenders Norge, a new website for buyers and suppliers.

Millstream will continue to operate the Doffin portal on behalf of the Norwegian Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi) until the end of the year.

All Norwegian public sector tender opportunities, from local councils and hospitals to the armed forces and other public organisations, will be published on the new myTenders Norge website.

The site will also allow buyers to publish their notices using the same user-friendly system as on the existing Doffin website, and the support of the expert helpdesk team.

Any notices published through myTenders Norge will also automatically be published on Doffin and on the European TED website to comply with Norwegian procurement law.

Tender notices will be manually categorised to ensure customers only receive alerts which are directly relevant to their business. These will include available contracts in sectors including construction, IT, healthcare, security, cleaning, catering, marketing and consultancy.

As the only company providing national public procurement websites for several European member states, Millstream also operates the procurement portals for Wales and Scotland.

Managing Director Tim Williams said myTenders Norge offered an easy option for existing users.

“With 25 years of experience and extensive knowledge of the Norwegian market, we are pleased to have launched myTenders Norge for buyers and suppliers in Norway,” he said.

“The new website keeps the familiar tools available on the Doffin site, which we designed and built, but with some improvements to make it even easier to use.

“With the new website we are now free to make changes quickly in response to our customers’ needs. For example, we have made some major improvements to the way in which business opportunities are categorised, so our customers will receive daily alerts on tender opportunities that are specific to their needs.

“We are aiming to make the process as easy as possible to ensure customers continue to receive opportunities using a system they are already familiar with.”

Mr Williams added: “We revolutionised the public procurement industry in Norway by introducing new functions that purchasers could use when creating notices that saved them time and money – this has amounted to savings of more than £2million a year.”

Contracts will be made available on the myTenders Norge website for businesses to browse. This includes tenders sourced from the European Union’s TED website and contracts above 500,000 Kroner (approx £42,000), which must also be published online to comply with Norwegian law.

Millstream already runs its successful Tenders Direct and myTenders websites in the UK, which also provide private companies with tender information on new business opportunities in the public sector.

For information, visit